Q: Why would my child benefit from chiropractic care?
A: Simply put, children with properly aligned spines have a better opportunity to be healthy. Beginning at birth, children go through many different micro-traumas and frequent falls as they learn to crawl, walk and eventually run. Chiropractic adjustments give children an edge by reducing many physical stressors they endure throughout life.
The child’s spine is developing rapidly in the first 10 years of life. Apparently innocent events, such as wearing backpacks, increasing use of the computer, having poor posture and getting injured playing sports, can create spinal subluxations (misalignments) in the child’s spine. Subluxations can put pressure on the child’s nervous system. When the nerve isn’t functioning correctly, it can result in symptoms related to organs, muscles and various systems of the body. Symptoms such as colic, asthma, ear infections, stomach ache, bed wetting, poor posture, hyperactivity and frequent colds or flu might be evidence of subluxations.
Through safe and gentle adjustments, a chiropractor can realign the child’s spine with specific contacts, reducing the pressure on the nervous system, allowing the body to heal and reduce symptoms. Like dentistry, many parents also see the benefits of providing preventive care for their children and see this as an important role in their child’s overall health and wellness.
Q: Is it safe for a child to receive treatment? At what age can they start?
A: Absolutely!
Chiropractors have been adjusting children’s spines for more than 100 years. When considering the use of any health care procedure, the benefits must be weighed against the risks. Chiropractic care has many proven benefits and malpractice insurance coverage has identified chiropractic as having an excellent safety record with low risk.
The adjustments should begin even before the baby is born. The advantages of the mother having a properly aligned pelvis can assist in having a safe vaginal birth. During the last trimester of the pregnancy, if the pelvis is subluxated, the fetus can be in a malposition, causing in-utero constraint. This could make for a difficult birth. A chiropractor can position the mother’s pelvis to allow for the fetus to be in the proper position for a safer delivery.
The evaluation for the baby can and should begin right after the baby is born. Even with a normal, noncomplicated birth, there is stress to a baby’s spine and nervous system. If an adjustment is needed, a nonforce pressure is given and kept to a minimum. From this day forward, children should be checked for subluxations on a regular basis by their chiropractor.
Q: Do chiropractors need additional training or certification to treat children?
A: Chiropractors receive pediatric training during their doctorate studies. Additional training is also offered through continuing educational courses. Doctors that specialize in pediatric care generally take part in these courses. Pediatric chiropractors are usually affiliated with organizations such as the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association.
Q: Do chiropractic treatments replace other forms of medical care for children?
A: Adjustments can be used in conjunction with medical care. Chiropractic care is an excellent choice when looking for a noninvasive, drug-free approach for many children and families. Many people do choose chiropractic care for their children for acute and chronic problems, as well as a preventive approach to many health challenges.
Q: What costs are involved in chiropractic care? Does insurance cover the cost?
A: Initial costs would be an evaluation and X-rays if needed. Costs could range from $30 to $200.
After the child is accepted as a chiropractic case, an adjustment protocol would be suggested. Visits can range from $20 to $50 per visit. Insurance can cover pediatric care if it is deemed medically necessary.
It is important to note that most insurance programs do have limits and usually do not cover to correct a problem or maintain health. Many pediatric chiropractors offer cost-effective care plans for families so they can achieve the health that they deserve. Chiropractic care has shown to result in a substantial savings to the families by decrease in-hospital admissions, hospital days, outpatient surgeries and procedures, and pharmaceutical costs.